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Exosomes for hair loss

Today, one-fifth of the population suffers from hair loss. It could not only be hereditary or ageing as the cause, but conditions such as stress, fatigue, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance and immunity. When it comes to any physical concern, at Libbie Wallace Skin Clinic, we have researched extensively some of the world’s most effective non-surgical solutions for hair loss. If you are noticing that your hair is thinning, or you are struggling with hair loss, a treatment using exosomes may be the solution for your concern.

What are exosomes?

Exosomes are the next generation in hair treatment. They consist of signalling nanoparticles which help to promote the anagen phase of hair growth (the growing phase). When applied to the scalp, exosomes help to stimulate hair regrowth as well as improve the health of the scalp and reduce further hair loss. Exosomes have been found to be extremely useful in the overall health of hair and scalp.

How do exosomes work for hair loss?

Exosome cell-free injectable scalp therapy decreases inflammation and improves the health of the dermal papilla. This helps to stimulate hair growth and keep the hair bulb intact, which helps prevent future hair loss and improve the overall strength and health of the hair.

The benefits of exosome therapy for hair loss include:-

  • Promoting the natural regeneration and activation of hair follicle growth.
  • Tissue repair and scalp revitalisation through multiple growth factors.
  • Supporting the hair growth cycle by encouraging the hair follicles to enter its anagen phase sooner, in order to restart the production of new hair strands.
  • Prolonging the anagen phase by delivering signals that tell the follicles to continuously to produce hair.
  • Preventing further hair loss by delaying the start of the catagen phase (the phase where the hair stops growing).

What are the ingredients in exosome scalp treatment?

There are not only 10 billion exosomes in the scalp treatment, but 10 growth factors, biotin, copper and tripeptide.

How do I know if I am suitable for an exosome treatment for hair loss with Libbie Wallace?

Before any treatment can be agreed upon, we will ask that you attend a no obligation consultation with Libbie Wallace, to determine the extent of your hair loss, discuss any medical conditions which might be exacerbating the problem as well as to check that there are no contraindications to a hair restoration treatment using exosomes. You’ll also be able to discuss potential results and the treatment protocols. Once you are both satisfied that an injectable exosome treatment will be suitable, you can book your appointment for treatment.

Can exosomes be combined with other treatments?

Although exosomes are highly effective as a stand-alone treatment for hair restoration, it might be decided that a combination of treatments may be required, for optimal effect. These can include micro-needling and LED light therapy. A specific shampoo and hair serum will also be prescribed to augment and improve the effects of your treatment.

Does the treatment hurt?

There can be some mild discomfort with the scalp treatment using exosomes. Side-effects may include some tenderness and swelling, but this is normal and will subside. You can go back to your daily activities immediately after your treatment.

When will I see the results?

Exosome therapy can start promoting natural hair growth in as little as 2 or 3 months. However, most patients experience the most noticeable results at around 9 months, following their treatment.

Exosomes for hairloss results

Exosomes for hair loss results

Exosomes for hair loss results

Exosomes for Hair Loss Price List 
Exosomes for Hair Loss£2750